Matagorda County Hospital District WIC诊所s provide nutrition and breastfeeding services to 婴儿s, 儿童及孕妇, postpartum and breastfeeding women who are at risk for nutrition-related illness. 诊所提供的服务包括:
- 营养类
- 关于如何母乳喂养的课程
- 母乳喂养同伴咨询计划
- 社会服务和医疗转诊
- 转介免疫接种
- 补充食品包装
- 关于营养需求和关注的个人咨询
If you’re new to WIC and would like get started, apply for WIC online 点击这里.
WIC提供营养教育, 有营养的食物, 转介保健和人类服务以及母乳喂养支助. 每个客户都有食品补贴. Both fathers and mothers can receive and spend the benefits for their children.
Clients receive individual nutrition counseling and nutrition classes. 许多诊所专门为儿童开设课程.Men who have family members participating in the program are welcome to 参加营养课程.
- 怀孕期间为妈妈和宝宝健康饮食
- 婴幼儿营养——为快乐的孩子提供健康食品, 挑食, 注意孩子的体重, 还有更多
- 如何最大限度地利用他们的食物钱
- 宝贵的育儿技巧
- 儿童发展的各个阶段
- 儿童免疫接种的重要性
- 给怀孕少女的建议
- 常见的婴儿问题,如绞痛、便秘和哭闹
客户在母乳喂养方面得到鼓励和指导. In many cases, breastfeeding women are provided breast pumps free of charge. WIC helps clients learn why breastfeeding is the best start for their baby, 如何在工作期间母乳喂养, 父亲在支持母乳喂养方面的作用, 给母乳喂养的青少年的建议, 如何抽吸和储存母乳等等.
WIC provides benefits each month that can be used at grocery stores to buy 有营养的食物. WIC食品包括铁强化婴儿配方奶粉和婴儿谷物, 铁强化成人麦片, 富含维生素c的果蔬汁, 牛奶, 鸡蛋, 奶酪, 豆子和花生酱. 给不同的客户发放不同的食品包装. 例如, mothers who are totally breastfeeding their babies without formula are issued tuna and carrots in addition to other foods.
WIC refers clients to a variety of health and social services agencies and programs. WIC的工作人员可以帮助客户找到这些服务. 一些例子是:
- 医疗补助计划
- 食品救济券
- 向有需要家庭提供临时援助
- 儿童健康保险
- 计划生育
- 移徙者保健服务
- 产前护理
- 德州健康步骤(EPSDT)
- 医疗及牙科服务
- 儿童早期干预(ECI)
- 食品分发处
- 文化服务
- 银行工作
- 住房服务
- 教育类
- 药物和酒精滥用项目
- 照顾孩子
- 子女抚养费执行
- 学校午餐/早餐夏季午餐计划
Studies show that WIC plays an important role in improving birth outcomes and containing health-care costs. WIC对儿童的饮食有积极的影响. WIC improves 婴儿-feeding practices by actively promoting breastfeeding as the best method of feeding 婴儿s. WIC clients have improved rates of childhood immunizations and a regular source of health care.
- 改善婴儿喂养方式
- 减少早产
- 降低胎儿死亡率
- 低出生体重减少
- 减少长期医疗费用
- 改善饮食摄入
- 促进认知发展
- 减少早产
- 孕妇
- 母乳喂养1岁以下婴儿的妇女
- 在过去六个月内生过孩子的女性
- 父母, 继父母, 监护人, and foster parents of 婴儿s and children under the age of 5 can apply for their children
If you have a job or if you have private health insurance, you can still apply for WIC. 你不一定要结婚才能申请WIC.
Fathers of children under the age of 5 are encouraged to enroll their children in the WIC program. 就像其他父母或监护人一样, 父亲可以带孩子去赴约, 参加营养课程, 并为他们的孩子领取和赎回福利. Active participation by fathers is a great help in keeping WIC children healthy.
- 是的! 所有WIC服务对符合条件的人免费.
- The Department of State 健康 Services runs the Texas WIC program and provides funds to agencies across the state who run local WIC offices. All kinds of agencies offer WIC services such as local health departments, 县和市机构, 移徙者保健中心, 社区行动机构, 和医院.
- Many local offices are open in the evenings and on Saturdays so that clients do not have to miss work.
- 全职员工超过300人, permanent WIC offices and more than 200 other part-time satellite sites, 所以找一家离你近的WIC诊所应该不成问题.
- 符合收入准则. Households with incomes at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty income level are eligible. WIC根据总收入确定收入. WIC统计了一个家庭的所有成员,有亲属或无亲属. WIC将未出生的婴儿视为家庭成员.
- 有营养风险. WIC clients receive an initial health and 饮食 screening at a WIC clinic to determine nutritional risk. WIC uses two main categories of nutritional risk: (1) medically-based risks such as a history of poor pregnancy outcome, 体重不足状态, 或者缺铁性贫血, and (2) 饮食-based risks such as poor eating habits that can lead to poor nutritional and health status. Clients will be counseled at WIC about these risks and the outcome influenced by nutrition education and 有营养的食物 provided by WIC.
- 住在德克萨斯州. WIC的客户通常在他们居住的县接受服务. U.S. 公民身份不是资格的必要条件.
- 除某些有限的情况外,客户必须亲自申请.
- 你是孕妇吗, 母乳喂养一岁以下的婴儿, 产后妇女(在过去六个月内生过孩子的妇女), 或者有5岁以下的婴儿或儿童? 如果有,请拨打979-245-9848
- Call or go by the clinic to make an appointment for a pregnant woman, 母乳喂养的女人, 产后的女人, 婴儿, 或5岁以下儿童.
- 在你预约的时候, bring documentation of your household’s source of income or wages. 这适用于所有家庭成员. 一些文档示例包括工资存根, 当期纳税申报表, 雇主的来信, 社会保障支票, 子女抚养费支票, 或自雇会计记录. 接受医疗补助的申请人和某些家庭成员, 向有需要家庭提供临时援助, or 食品救济券 automatically meet income eligibility by bringing acceptable proof of their participation in one of these programs—they do not have to bring other income documents.
- 在你预约的时候, bring documentation of where you live with your current physical address, 比如公用事业或信用卡账单, 租金收据, 或者商业信函.
- 在你预约的时候, bring one document of identification for each person applying for WIC benefits and the adult responsible for the benefits. Examples of acceptable identification documents are a birth certificate, 驾驶执照, 免疫接种卡, 带照片的员工或学校身份证, 社会保障卡, 或者医院记录.
- During the appointment the applicant will undergo a simple health screen including height and weight measurement, 一根手指棍用来筛低铁, a medical and health history and a 饮食 recall and history to determine nutritional risk.
- 在他或她的约会结束时, an applicant will receive counseling and referral to appropriate health and human services, 如果适用的话. WIC计划的资格也将被确定. 符合条件的人将获得食品补贴.
- 如果您对以上信息有任何疑问, 缺少上面的一些项目, 或者有特殊情况, call or go by the clinic before your appointment so the staff may assist you with your situation. Not bringing in all the documentation at the time of your appointment may delay eligibility determination and benefits. 在确定资格之前,必须进行完整的筛选.
If you’re new to WIC and would like get started, apply for WIC online 点击这里.